Model of a body-Number of a body (N digits)

1. Month of production and date of first registration may be different.
2. Date is defined only for the car models produced for the internal market of Japan.
3. TOYOTA cars can have some additional signs in bodytype after the numbers (for example, KZN185W), in these cases as a model of the body you must specify KZN185.
ျပဳလုပ္သူ  PAID  Ranges of determined dates FREE Model of a body
Number of a body
number of digits
in the body's number
TOYOTA02.2017-05.2023 12.1989-02.2017 KZN185-9034662  7
NISSAN03.2017-02.2019 10.1980-03.2017 N30-2040206
MAZDA09.2010-0. 01.1985-09.2010 BJ8W-1019016
MITSUBISHI 05.2016-03.2022 10.1982-05.2016 N74W-00032277
HONDA12.1998-09.202410.1999-09.2024 GH4-10057157
SUZUKI03.2010-0. 10.1988-03.2010 TD32W-1001096
SUBARU03.2018-05.2021 09.1982-03.2018 SF5-0697876
ISUZU09.2012-0. 09.1984-09.2012 NKR66E-75271257
DAIHATSU09.2014-09.2022 10.1989-09.2014 M100S-00133527
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